Friday, October 23, 2009

For your viewing pleasure

30 weeks and counting

My Mexican Superhero has come to save the day!


Hi All!

Ok, so I just had a reminder that Doctors are human to. Jesse and I have been talking about how big my belly is this time around. I'm bigger then I was at the end of my pregnancy with Madi. So I went to the doctor yesterday for my monthly visit and she and I were talking about my due date. I asked her if she was sure that the date was correct, not only do I have my own orbit but the two ultra sounds had different dates on them. After some debate and some double checking on her part she discovered that in fact I'm two weeks further along then first thought. That's right I have officially lost two weeks of prep time till this baby gets here! The nice thing is that it I lost two weeks of waiting time to see my sweet little boy. Please pray for us as we now have only 10 weeks to pick a name, get the babies room ready, get our room ready and find a car that can fit all of us. We have a lot to do, not much time and we are procrastinators to boot!

Till next time.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Car issues

Hi All,

I know its been a while since I last posted so let me catch you up to date. I am currently 27 weeks along and have now created my own gravitational pull. Everything is going good with our little man even if he's still nameless. Madi now is insisting on being call Madison at all times. She loves her princess dance class to the point that Daddy must do all the moves with her at night. There is nothing as cute as a 3 yr old teaching her Daddy how to do ballet moves. And the most consistent and depressing thing in our lives is that the neon is broken down yet again! Turns out that this time its not that big of a deal, its only my breaks, who needs those anyway? Lucky for us Jesse's younger brother is very good at working on cars and he can fix it in a day or two. God Bless family!

Well that's a quick update into our lives. I'll post pics of the family and of course my belly soon.

Till next time!