Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Doll babies or G.I. Joe?

So today was the big day, will we be buying more doll babies or are we in store for g.i. joes? Well...the verdict is.......the great American hero! G. I. Joe is there! That's right we are having a little boy. I'm very surprised, it just never crossed my mind that I would be trading in frilly dresses for jeans with holes in the knees. I'm looking forward to the new experiences that raising a little boy will bring. In the mean time the big debate is on... what to name this little man.

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

One of those days

Ever have one of those days? Today was mine, Madi and I went out to a doctors apt and then we had planned to look for birthday presents for her and her cousin, that was the plan. In reality we ended up having to run all over town looking for the best priced battery for my car. After my doc apt my car almost didn't start so i went to the closest place around which happened to be Sears. The guys there tell me that it would cost over 100.00 to buy and install a new battery. Now momma didn't raise no fool, so i told him he could keep it and went to the next stop. After two more stops which got more and more expensive i finally gave up and drove 20mins to Advance Auto Parts where they not only installed my battery for free but also had the lowest price of the day. Oh and did i mention that it was over 90 degrees today and i don't have AC? Yeah, so like i said it was one of those days....

Oh well alls well that ends well