Thursday, September 24, 2009

Dancing Queen

This week started the adventure of our first dance class. Many of you know that since Madi was born I sing her Dancing Queen and she loves it, well on Tuesday she proved that dancing really is her thing. we enrolled her into a princess ballerina dance class, each class the kids get to dress up as a different princess. Its a 45 min class where 8 little girls get to learn dance moves and get to be the bell of the ball. How could she not love it right?

Ever since her class she has been playing dance class with all her toys. She of course is the teacher and she shows them all the moves that they need to do. I have been asked about 10 times a day since then when she gets to go back. I'll post a picture of her in the class as soon as I'm allowed to take one. They don't let the parents Stay and watch :(

Until next time!

Monday, September 7, 2009

The Crazy Life

Ok, so September looks to begin a very crazy period in my life. This is of course by choice and partly goes back to my post before this one. I have made the decision that in order for my house to remain peaceful and remotely clean we needed to find some out side activities. So as of Friday we begin our new schedule! Every other Friday we have Mops, every Wednesday we have bible study, and every Tuesday we have dance class. That means 3 days a week we are out of the house doing something fun for at least 1 hour. I don't know who I'm more happy for Madi or me as we both get the enjoy some good quality play time with friends.

On another note peanut is by far a different child than madi. Madi was very mellow in the womb where as peanut is always active. At not even 22 weeks i can already feel where he is hanging out and see him move. Now is this a difference between a boy and girl or is it a difference between 1 & 2 or are they going to be very very different kids? One can only guess but i can say that i am enjoying the differences and can't wait to see who this little man will be.

Until next time!

Friday, September 4, 2009

War Zone

OK, so it's official my house is now a war zone. With daily attacks of 3yr old logic and destruction. I find my self loosing it more and more often, if that's due to an increase in belly size, lack of sleep or just shell shock from the constant attacks, i just can't say. What i can say is that i see my self from a distance over reacting to things that happen and i can't stop it. Now don't get worried I'm not beating her or locking her in closets, but there is a lot of corner time, loosing of special toys and anger on my part. I'm ashamed to say that, but hey i told you from the beginning that this would be a window into my world. So like some many other days today my prayer goes out to God for the patience to make it till daddy gets home and can take some of the stress off my shoulders.

If your so inclined to pray with/for me, please pray that i find the grace to handle these everyday struggles in a more productive way. In fact please pray NOW as a new attack just commenced!