Tuesday, July 28, 2009

For all the stay at homes out there

OK so Madi and I went to Wendy's today for lunch when a couple of guys that work there sat at the table next to us. I didn't pay much attention to them at first, you know with the chicken nugget drama that happens ever time you go (there hot mommy blow them!), when one of the guys starts talking to Madi. Now if you know my kid you know that she has never once been shy but today she just didn't know what to make of this guy, so there for ignored him all together. He then went on to talk to his friend about how he himself had a little boy at home, and that he wished he could stay home like his girlfriend does instead of working. He was saying how much fun it would be to sit all day and watch cartoons or to spend the entire day playing. Now I just couldn't help my self and started to laugh. he looked at me funny and I told him I was sorry for listening in but that there was far more to being at stay at home then hanging out all day. He was totally perplexed by that and wanted to know what else there could possible be to do all day... I later found out that he is still a pup of only 19. So this is for all of us that couldn't possible have more to do with our days than watch cartoons with our kids!

Enjoy, I know I did!

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